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Friday, February 16, 2007

For crying out loud!

Ok...so last night, I got absolutely no knitting done. Zero, Zilch, Nada, None - NOT A STITCH! Why, you may ask? Because of this stupid show. Last night was a mix of crying, sobbing, speechlessness (is that a word?) and just utter amazement. I literally could not get over the ending. Friend and I were on the phone and I was texting another...total shock!

I have to recover from this...I think that a trip to my favorite LYS may be in order for me to get over this emotional turmoil. (By the way, new and improved updated website for them...they rock!)

Maybe I will knit this weekend...


Anonymous said...

Crying, sobbing, speechlessness (yes, that is a word btw). That's the way I spent Valentine's night. That day stinks when you don't have anyone. Of course that was also my reaction to last night's Grey's Anatomy as well. My only question, is what will set mf off crying, sobbing, etc. tonight?? Only time will tell!


Beth said...

Lord knows I had the ugly cry going on. It's mind-boggling how emotionally caught up we've gotten in a TV show. You'd think Mer was our BFF.

And it's not a "stupid show" ... you just said that because for the last several weeks, it's made you cry too.

Beth said...

And for the record - you know you're totally my person, right?

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you today at Knitting Sisters!! Always great to put a face with a name / blog!

Mary said...

Yes, I can't believe they're stringing us along for a third episode, before we find out what happens. (But come on, they won't really kill her off -- she's the star of the damn show!) But what a way to wake up dead - with two hotties in the room with you!