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Thursday, March 8, 2007

Socks That Rock

I started the first bi-monthly shipment of Blue Moon Fiber Arts 2007 Rockin' Sock Club. This is totally different from any of the socks that I have knit before. Now, mind you, I have only made 4 pairs of socks so it is not like I am some expert, but this scares me a bit.

The pattern is called Inside Out and it is knit toe-up. I have ripped it completely out now twice, but hopefully third time will be the charm. Luckily I do have a Friend who is a great source of advice, support and reassurance that I can do this.

I finished the Skinny Scarf that I have been working on and it is LONG. I'm not talking kind of long, I'm talking LLLOOONNNNGGGG. But the colors and beautiful and it is so soft. I'm calling it my Cancer Survivor's Scarf because the colors are that of the Relay for Life. I will try and take a picture of it tonight and post it tomorrow, but I don't think that the picture will do it justice.

Well, I must get onto my sock so that hopefully I have some progress to show tomorrow. Keep your fingers and toes crossed and say a prayer to the knitting gods that I get through this toe without having to frog again!

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